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Report overflowing or blocked sewers


  • Check that your stormwater plumbing is not connected to the sewer system.

  • Don’t use the toilet as a trash can! Never flush diapers, dental floss, personal sanitary products, newspapers, soiled rags, food, garbage or paper towels down toilets or drains. These items cause blockages and sewer leaks.

  • Do not flush fats, oils or other dangerous chemicals down the sink or toilet.


The stormwater system is not a waste removal system. Anything thrown into the stormwater system ends up in our rivers. Do not throw waste or garden refuse (e.g. leaves) into the stormwater drains.


Recycle your rubbish.


Don't litter - litter is washed into rivers


Plastics are the main source of solid waste in the Hennops. Reducing the amount of plastic that we use reduces the amount that gets back into the environment and our rivers:

  • Use a metal or glass water bottle instead of plastic bottles.

  • Use a reusable coffee mug for takeaway coffees.

  • Buy products in recycled and biodegradable packing.

  • Introduce biodegradable packing in your industries.

  • Buy biodegradable and organic cleaning and beauty products.

  • Say no to single-use plastics.

  • Use material shopping bags instead of plastic shopping bags.

  • Say no to plastic straws or buy metal straws that can be reused.


  • When washing your hands turn the tap off when lathering.

  • Brush your teeth with the tap off.

  • Take shorter showers.

  • Check your toilet for leaks.

  • Collect running water from your taps when waiting for it to heat and use this water for plants.

  • Check your sprinkler system regularly, so that water is reaching the plants and not being wasted on paving.

  • Make sure the sprinkler system is turned off during the rainy season.

  • Check the garden is watered early in the morning or at night to prevent evaporation.

  • Avoid washing dishes or going to the bathroom in or near a river or ocean.

  • Check taps for leaks.

  • Fill a basin to rinse dishes rather than allowing the water to run down the drain when rinsing.

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